Seeking Information About Long COVID – Maggie


Maggie reminds us that it's hard to think critically when you're feeling desperate.


It’s the sorting out of what’s misinformation, what’s disinformation, what’s evidence. Because it’s really hard, right, like it’s – and it’s trying to keep your kind of common-sense hat on, rather than your, “Oh my God, I hope this works, I’m going to try this.” So, it’s been both what I’ll call an epiphany about how the human brain works. Like we grasp onto things. But also, a daily reminder about how important it is to be thoughtful about what is true evidence and what’s a hoax. And like anything else there are grifters who are out there selling their latest and greatest oil, snake oil. So, trying to sort that out when you’re feeling desperate is hard but it’s the way I’ve been getting information. And I have to say, you know, there are lots of – on social media several communities of people with long COVID that, you know, some of the information isn’t the best but the support is great …  So that’s the really hard part, right … Like if it was true, and if it really is evidence that something is working, surely there would be enough, not hype, but there would be enough spotlight on it that it would start to build a body of evidence. Rather than a single article on Facebook or whatever, right. So, trying to do that, but it’s not easy when you’re desperate.

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